Facto curioso da importância que Alcochete teve em fazer a charneira entre o norte e o sul de Portugal.
De notar que vário autores descaram essa importância desde o séc. XIV e XV, com o assentamento da família real. Mas essa condição foi importante até ao séc. XIX
São despachos de Arthur Colley Wellesley, 1.º Duque de Wellington, importantíssimo na resistência ibérica contra Napoleão, com alto reconhecimento em Portugal para a posterioridade.
"The despatches of field marshal the duke of wellington, during various campaings in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, The Low Contries and France"
1799 a 1818
Escrito pelo Tenente Coronel Gurwood em 1894
Pero Negro, 26th October, 1810.
My Dear Sir,
I have received your letters of the 21st and 22nd. I am convinced that the enemy are not yet prepared with means of passing the Tagus with any thing but marauding parties; and the best people to employ against them are the ordenanza, and the irregular horse lately got together.
The swamps on the island of Lyceria would not do your marines and seamen much good; and they are not necessary to keep the enemy's marauding parties in order.
'When they shall have prepared their bridge, the matter will become too serious for any number you could detach from your squadron, and they might experience difficulty in getting away again. I recommend to you, therefore, at present not to make the detachment proposed. Hereafter it might be desirable to station a few men at Alcochete, about a league in front of Aldea Galega.
Believe me,
Vice Admiral 'wellington.
Outra passagem datada de 1 de novembro do mesmo ano.
(...) It is not very probable, according to all accounts, that he will attempt it below Santarem. If he should cross above the situation in which you will be, you will retire gradually upon Salvaterra, and from thence to Aldea Galega, giving the Assistant Quarter Master General and me the earliest information of your movements, in order that boats may be prepared to transport you. You will find a good post at Alcochete, about a league in front of Aldea Galega.
' If the enemy should cross below you in force, you must in that case retire direct from the river till you shall come upon the great road leading from Monte Mor to Aldea Galega, and thence to that town.
' If by any accident you should be cut off from Aldea Galega, which is not very likely, you will retire upon Palmela and Setuval.
' Believe me,
Major General Fane.' 'WELLINGTON.
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